Hyères les Palmiers
La Londe les Maures
Bormes les Mimosas
Le Lavandou
Le Rayol Canadel
Cavalaire sur Mer
Saint Tropez

webcam Heraclea Port - Cavalaire-sur-Mer
Port Cavalaire

Harbourmaster Heraclea

Heraclea management. Location: 43 ° 10 '4 N-06 ° 32', 3 E. SHOM Maps 6616-74108 - Navicarte 502 - 503. VHF canal 16. Open every day of the year. Opening hours: summer: 7:30 am to 9:30 pm winter: 7:30 am to 8:00 pm Welcome in English. The port is in the heart of the city and welcomes boats from 7 to 21 m long for a day to a year. No booking for stopovers. Tel: +33(0)4 94 64 17 81  port@cavalaire.fr


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Lanscaping - Port Equipment
 Council management: 1,200 boat places from 7 to 21 m.
 Anchorage area passing boats. This space, located in Cavalaire Bay in the immediate vicinity of the port, is intended for the reception and parking of pleasure craft. It is open from June 1 to September 30 and has 85 buoys for boats with a maximum size of 16m..
 Boatyard: Tel: +33 (0) 40 T Travelift careening area. Launching wedge
 Speed limit 3 knots in the port
 Port Access: Easy day and night. VHF channel 9 Cavalaire guide. A wide from 50 meters allows easy access protected by the advance of the dam-pier
 The harbor entrance lights: extreme eastern pier. (43 ° 10.04 N - 06 ° 32.3 E) F.2ér. (6s) 10 M - East Pier Epi: F. sc. r. (3) 5 s - Central Mole: F. sc. b. - North Pier: fs v. (2.5 s) - Port sheltered - Prevailing winds: Summer Ponant (W - SW) and Mistral (NW).
 Navigational hazards: Island of Fourmigue (1.5 miles NE of Cape Benat and 2.25 miles SE of port), black and yellow conical buoy - out of the sea outfall, ban on wet and s moor
 Free WiFi (24h), public phone. Water and electricity (220 v 16/32/64 A) alongside. Fluid distribution terminals. Free shuttle service in season to move into or out of the city
 2 sanitary facilities available to boaters: 11 14 Sanitary and hot showers (pay showers: token at the harbor office)
 Fueling station: fuel, ice, drinks, snack. Tel: +33(0) Pickup on board vessels garbage
 Possible assistance for mooring boats.
 Night surveillance of maritime areas.
Useful information
 Maritime Affairs: Lavandou port, Monday and Friday. +33 (0)

 CCMM - Maritime Medical Consultation Centre - Free 24/7 - PAN PAN - Medical channel 16. Selective Calling Channel 70. Non-urgent information ccmm@chu-toulouse.fr 

 SNSM (National Society for Sea Rescue) Tel: +33(0)4 94 87 32 90
 Cross Med : +33(0) - VHF canal 16 or 1616 with mobile phone 
 Customs Toulon +33(0) 970 27 92 11  seyne@douane.finances.gouv.fr

 Sea Towage +33(0)
APPC. Association of the Pleasurers of the port of Cavalaire +33 (0)
L’anneau bleu. Association of the Co-owners of the Port of Cavalaire +33 (0)
LeYacht Club de Cavalaire. Beach of the Town center - Bp 50 Tél : +33(0)4 94 64 16 58

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Hyères les Palmiers La Londe les Maures Bormes les Mimosas Le Lavandou Le Rayol Canadel Cavalaire sur Mer La Croix Valmer Saint Tropez
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