The district of Hyeres (53.000 inhabitants) is located near the Gapeau and includes Giens peninsula, Hyeres-les-Palmiers and the islands: Porquerolles, Port-Cros and ile du levant, as well as many smaller islands. They are also named "îles d’Or" (Golden Islands) since the Renaissance because of the reflection of the micaschiste rock under the light. Hyeres goes along the sea for 40 km and has lots of different areas: La Capte, Giens, Almanarre, Ayguade, Salins-d'Hyères and Borrels. Stephen Liégeard talking about Hyères in his book The Riviera 1887: "along the beach bathed in rays that deserves our baptism Riviera, Hyeres first had the idea to put his blessed gifts of service disease and despair ". It is also the oldest health resort of the French Riviera, thanks to its sheltered site and its famous Casino. Its old areas are on Hyeres-les-Palmiers the south of the Casteouhill (204 m) and tower above the modern city. Its fame as a seaside health resort dates back to the XVIII century. It is nicknamed Hyeres-les-Palmiers because of its 7000 palm trees that have been planted year after year. Its medieval castle from the XII – XIII centuries is classified historical monument as well as the Templars Tower, vestiges of the Commander’s residence created in the XII century, as well as the Church Saint-Louis remarkable roman edifice on the Provence mediterranean